
Why does your honey cost more than the bear in grocery stores?


Simply put, we do things differently than most other beekeepers. We keep our bees in smaller quantities at each apiary. We spend more time keeping them and harvesting our honey. Most others will do one big harvest at the end of the season and blend all of their honey together. We harvest in small-batch which takes way more time. Believe us when we tell you we’re not getting rich off of our products. We hope our price fairly reflects the quality and care we put into each bottle.


Will you come remove a swarm from our property?


Generally speaking, we would love to! But first, are you sure you have a honey bee issue? Most calls we get end up being wasps. Do some googling to see the difference, but in general, if they look brightly colored or shiny, they’re probably wasps. We’re happy to check on it for you since we understand that any stinging insect can be hard to get close to. But there are a few caveats; we charge $50 for any non-bee call and will only investigate swarm calls in Eau Claire or Chippewa County.


Why are your honeys so different from others I’ve had?


Serendipity! Honey is one of the most varied foodstuffs, drawing influence from the terroir of the colonies surrounding area. They’ll forage upwards of 5 miles from their hive which means that depending on the location, time of the season, and conditions of the season, each harvest can reflect substantially different qualities.


We met you at a public honey tasting event and want to have a private tasting. Do you do that?


Sure! Contact us directly to discuss the size and scope of your gathering and we’ll work with you to determine pricing and availability. We’re always happy to wax poetic about bees and honey.